Route 81 North
Take the Pittston Exit 174 (Old Exit 48) onto Route 315 North
to the Oak Street traffic light which is located by Pollock
Chevrolet (Dealer on right). Turn left onto Oak Street and proceed
to the first set of railroad tracks. Go over the tracks and
NEPCAs office is located on the left hand side of the
road. The complex is called the James O. Brown Building. (Approx.
1/4 of a mile from the Oak Street traffic light.)
Route 81 South
Take the Pittston Exit 175A (Old Exit 48) to Route 315 South
to the Oak Street traffic light which is located by Pollock
Chevrolet (Dealer on the left). Turn right onto Oak Street and
proceed to the first set of railroad tracks. Go over the tracks
and NEPCAs office is located on the left hand side of
the road. The complex is called the James O. Brown Building.
(Approx. 1/4 of a mile from the Oak Street traffic light.)
